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Daily Maintenance And Troubleshooting Of Laminating Machines

2024-08-26 16:50:27
Laminating due to the material, process, equipment, and environmental factors will cause a variety of problems, caused by the equipment itself can be solved by troubleshooting the laminating problems. 

First of all, we need to understand what problems are caused by the laminating machine equipment, MEFU in this article summarises four kinds of troubleshooting and laminating machines daily maintenance tips, which will be helpful to people who are experiencing laminating problems.

一、Temperature System Trouble

The heating temperature is not enough or can not be heated.


1. Check the heater: make sure the heater is intact. If damage is found, it needs to be replaced immediately.

2. Adjust the temperature adjustment: check the temperature correction settings to ensure that the control parameters are normal.

3. Check temperature sensor: Make sure the temperature sensor is not sticking and affecting the temperature reading.

4. Check fuse tube: Make sure the fuse tube is well connected and the circuit is normal.

二、Hydraulic System Trouble

Insufficient pressure or uneven pressure.

1. Hydraulic pipeline leakage

Reason: pipeline aging, improper installation, the pipe diameter needs to be bigger.  

Troubleshooting: Stop immediately after the discovery of the leak, and check and replace the damaged pipeline.

2. Hydraulic system clogging  

Reason: dirt accumulation, too many bubbles, oil viscosity is too large.  

Troubleshooting: timely replacement of hydraulic oil, system flushing, regular checks of oil quality and cleanliness to ensure that the system is smooth.

三、Electrical Equipment Trouble

The equipment cannot be started and the alarm light is on.


1. Check the power supply: confirm whether the power supply is normal and whether the cable connection is firm. If damage is found, repair or replace the cables and connectors in time.

2. Check the control panel: check whether the control panel lights up normally, if not, it may be a fuse or power supply problem.

3. Test the electrical components: Use a multimeter to test the voltage and current of the electrical components to confirm their working status. Replace faulty electrical components (e.g., solid-state relays, contactors, etc.) in a timely manner.

四、Motor Trouble

Abnormal noise, excessive vibration, and parts wear.


1. Check alignment: Ensure precise alignment between mechanical parts to avoid additional wear and vibration caused by improper alignment.

2. Check lubrication: Confirm the lubrication status of the mechanical parts, add lubricant to the mechanical parts on a regular basis, and replace the lubricant when necessary to reduce friction and wear.

3. Check the transmission system: Confirm whether there is any looseness or wear of each component. Tighten all loose parts to ensure the stability of the transmission system.

The above are some common troubleshooting methods for laminating machines, but there are some detail problems that may lead to unsuccessful laminating, MEFU summarised some tips to help you better avoid these detail problems.

五、Laminating Tips

1. For hot laminating and low temperature cold laminating process, first preheat the laminating machine for about 5 minutes so that the adhesive Kun is heated evenly to ensure that the quality of laminating is better.

2. Laminating raw materials for the laminating process also has a very big impact, choosing a good
quality film can reduce the possibility of bubbles, wrinkles, and other problems.

3. For printed materials lamination, the ink on the surface of the printed materials is completely dry to ensure that the printed materials and the adhesive have better adhesion so that the lamination effect is better.

The quality and performance of the laminating machine are directly related to the effect of the laminating work, which is particularly important in the production process. The laminating process requires a high degree of precision, and any minor scratches or bending deformations of the silicon rollers can have a significant impact on the quality of the final product. Regular maintenance and servicing of the laminator is therefore essential.

六、Laminating Machine Daily Maintenance

1. Clean the machine regularly. Regularly clean the dust and stains on every part of the machine, make sure there is no debris near the machine, and keep it away from flammable and explosive items.

2. Clean and replace the rollers in time. Check whether there are stains and dust on the rollers, and make sure the surface of the rollers is clean. If there are scratches or bending deformation on the rolls, replace them in time. Every time before starting and after use must clean the machine, forbidden to use sharp tools to scrape the roller surface. For the heating roller to pay attention to, to avoid long-term over-temperature use or uneven heating caused by the use of failure.

3. Regularly check the hydraulic system. Check whether the oil pipe, valve, and cylinder plug oil leakage, or oil leakage is found, the seal should be replaced in a timely manner, and timely injection of the appropriate amount of hydraulic oil to the hydraulic cylinder. Pay attention to replacing the hydraulic oil in strict accordance with the requirements to avoid failure caused by impurities.

4. Test before starting. Before starting the machine, check whether the machine rotates smoothly, whether it is jammed or blocked, and whether the belt connection is normal, if there is any abnormality, please don't continue to start the laminator, the voltage at the time of starting should be in line with the rated voltage, the voltage is too high or too low should not be started the laminator.

Mastering the correct troubleshooting methods and daily maintenance of the laminator can not only prolong the service life of the laminator but also ensure its stability and reliability under a high workload. At the same time, choosing a suitable laminator is also the focus of the laminating project, if you have laminating needs pls
contact us.
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